Impact of revised IEC 60115-8
IEC 60115-8 is an international standard for fixed surface mount resistors specified by IEC*1. Based on this standard, resistor manufacturers including KOA test and determine specifications such as rated power, nominal resistance value, tolerance, and temperature coefficient of resistance.
In August 2023, IEC 60115-8 was revised and published as the 3rd edition (Edition 3), introducing a new concept of reference temperature for determining rated power of resistors. It was KOA who has promoted the incorporation of this new concept, terminal part temperature specification*2. KOA participated in the revision of this standard with a leadership as an advocate of terminal part temperature specification and as one of the representative companies of Japanese resistor manufacturers.
This revision creates following two benefits for customers.
1) Resistors can be used more safely by knowing the terminal part temperature of surface mount resistors in
2) High-power resistors can be used with less mounting space by conducting proper heat dissipation using
the latest cooling technology.
*1: IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is an international standards organization participated by 89
countries that prepares and publishes international standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies.
IEC standards are international standards that are applied worldwide, and national standards established by each
country (JIS in the case of Japan) are required to conform to them. In the previous series of IEC 60115, the
corresponding JIS were published approximately 2 years after the revision of the international standards.
*2: The terminal part temperature specification is a term coined by KOA and is the concept of “changing the reference
temperature of the surface mount resistors from the ambient temperature to the terminal part of resistor (center of
fillet).” KOA has been proposing this concept to the resistors and electronics industries since 2012.
Contents of this report applies only to the resistors that conform to IEC 60115-8 Edition 3.
All the KOA products within the scope of IEC 60115-8 are compliant with this standard.